
AJITER publica Diagnóstico sobre o setor da MODA nos Açores
Intercâmbio Erasmus+ " Sail4Employment" terminou
Terceira acolhe intercâmbio Erasmus+ "Sail4Employment"
AJITER na Eslovénia no final do Projeto “Greenfluencers”
AJITER acolhe formação do projeto INTERMEDIA
Oportunidade para jovens na Croácia
Lama dei Peligni foi anfitriã de mais um projeto “Erasmus+ Juventude em Ação”.
Jovens terceirenses em projeto Erasmus+ na Roménia sobre inclusão
AJITER formaliza com a Agência Nacional do Erasmus início de novo Projeto
AJITER implements Erasmus+ project aboard training ship
The Training Course of the Erasmus+ project SAIL4employment, coordinated by AJITER and hosted by STALatvia was implemented on July 17-24th, 2021. SAIL4Employment is ...
Partnership meeting was held in Athens last 3rd June
The partners of the Rural Youth project met in Athens, Greece, on June 3rd and 4th for an in-progress meeting. The partners had the chance to finally meet face to ...
Projeto InterMedia arranca com reunião online
The project "Implementation of Interactivity and Multimedia Content Using Multiple Devices in Adult Education" - InterMedia started officially with an online Kick-Off Meeting ...

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