August 23rd was a “AJITADO DAY”
This Wednesday, August 23rd, AJITER - Associação Juvenil da Ilha Terceira promoted an edition of the project “AJITADO DAY” aimed at young people on vacation with specific ages bet ...
Angra do Heroísmo celebrated International Youth Day
The organization was from the Municipality of Angra do Heroísmo and the venue was the “Green Café”, a space located near the end of the ring road, with AJITER ...
AJITER hosts study visit of young Spanish group to Terceira
There are four students accompanied by two teachers and they decided, within the scope of the ERASMUS+ programme, to make a study visit to Terceira Island these ...
Project “I-Play” ended in the city of Tirana in Albania
The project "#I-PLAY: Internet access for Participation, Learning and Active Youth" is a European project approved by the European program "Europe for Citizens", ...
AJITER hosts the final meeting of the project "INTERMEDIA" in Angra do Heroísmo
AJITER hosted, on the 20th and 21st of April, the final meeting of the Intermedia project, which aimed to increase the knowledge and skills ...
AJITER was present at the “Madeira Flower Collection 2023”
AJITER, through its President, Décio Santos, was present at the 2023 edition of the “Madeira Flower Collection 2023”, an event that serves as a launchi ...
Researcher from University of Silesia made a Study Visit to AJITER
During 7 days, from April 23rd to 27th ,AJITER hosted Monika Frania (PhD) in the frame of Erasmus+ STT stays for academic staff as part of the so-called t ...
AJITER participa em encontro europeu do projeto I-Play em Bruxelas
Project "Islanders: Many Islands, One Community", started in Angra do Heroísmo
Angra do Heroísmo and AJITER hosted, this Monday and Tuesday, April 17th and 18th, the initial meeting of this strategic partnership that ta ...
Angra do Heroísmo hosted the fourth European Meeting of the IPLAY Project"
Between the 20th and 23rd of March, the 4th European meeting of the project "I- PLAY: INTERNET ACCESS FOR PARTICIPATION, LEARNING, AND ACTIVE YOU ...
AJITER presente em reunião do projeto #I-PLAY em Vilnius
Angra do Heroísmo hosted starting shot on “Green Youth” partnership
AJITER – Terceira Island Youth Association hosted, last Friday and Saturday, March 3rd and 4th, at its Headquarters, in Angra do Heroismo, the int ...