

ModaAzores - DIRECT ADJUSTMENT - Services Acquisition Agreement

The terms of the applicable legislation and the European Union guidelines on transparency and information, serve here to make public that a contract for acquisition was contracted between AJITER - Associação Juvenil da Ilha Terceira and the company VEDETA ACLAMADA - Eventos e Comunicação Unipessoal, LDA of services which are intended to be subject to community financing. 

In effect, this serves to publish the Contract signed relating to the Direct Adjustment Procedure whose purpose is the “Acquisition of Production and Organization Services of the First edition of the “Moda Açores” Project, to be carried out in the city of Ponta Delgada, in the next December 10th, two thousand and twenty-three.” This acquisition of services is the subject of financing within the scope of the "Modamac" Project, CodeMAC2/2.3d/271, INTERREG V Cooperation Program Spain-Portugal MAC (Madeira – Azores-Canaries) 2014-2020.

The contract can be found in the documents section of this website, under the "Public Procurement" tab and directly under this Signed Contract link.

In accordance with applicable legislation, it is also published on the portal accessible through the following link

2023-12-09 12:00:00


Co-financed/Supported by