AJITER implements Erasmus+ project aboard training ship
The Training Course of the Erasmus+ project SAIL4employment, coordinated by AJITER and hosted by STALatvia was implemented on July 17-24th, 2021.
SAIL4Employment is an innovative project that gets 12 young people during 6 days aboard the training ship SPANIEL, to explore new opportunities for tourism services related to the sea. Now on the third day of the training, the participants have been able to create a meal plan for the week, learn about some basic principles of sailing, sail outside the coastline of Riga and get to know new business ideas.
Our partners are also Associazione Europalmente, Atyla Ship and Suomen Nuorisopurjehtijat ry - The Sail Trainees of Finland. SAIL4Employment is funded by Erasmus+ Juventude em Ação
2021-07-26 00:00:00